Friday, September 9, 2022

हिंदी-दिवस (१४ सितम्बर,२२)पर विशेष

हिंदी को ज़रूरत से जोड़ना ज़रूरी

डा० शिबन कृष्ण रैणा

विगत सत्तर-बहत्तर वर्षों से हम हर साल हिंदी दिवस 14 सितंबर को बड़े उत्साह और उमंग से मनाते आ रहे हैं। समय आ गया है अब हम इस बात पर विचार करें कि इन वर्षों के दौरान हिंदी ने अपने स्वरूप और आधार को कितना समृद्ध किया है? अगर नहीं किया है तो उसके क्या कारण हैं?

भाषण देने, बाज़ार से सौदा-सुलफ खरीदने या फिर फिल्म/सीरियल देखने के लिए हिंदी ठीक है, मगर कौन नहीं जानता कि वैश्वीकरण के इस दौर में अच्छी नौकरियों के लिए या फिर उच्च अध्ययन के लिए अब भी अंग्रेजी का दबदबा बना हुआ है। इस दबदबे से कैसे मुक्त हुआ जाए? निकट भविष्य में आयोजित होने वाले हिंदी-आयोजनों के दौरान इस मुद्दे पर भावुक हुए बिन वस्तुपरक तरीके से विचार-मंथन होना चाहिए। निजी क्षेत्र के संस्थानों अथवा प्रतिष्ठानों में हिंदी की स्थिति शोचनीय बनी हुई है और मात्र कमाने के लिए इस भाषा का वहां पर ‘दोहन' किया जा रहा है। इस प्रश्न का उत्तर भी हमें निष्पक्ष होकर तलाशना होगा।

यों देखा जाए तो हिंदी-प्रेम का मतलब हिंदी विद्वानों,लेखकों,कवियों आदि की जमात तैयार करना कदापि नहीं है। हिंदी-प्रेम का मतलब है हिंदी के माध्यम से रोज़गार के अच्छे अवसर तलाशना, उसे उच्च-अध्ययन ख़ास तौर पर विज्ञान और टेक्नोलॉजी की पढ़ाई के लिए एक कारगर माध्यम बनाना और उसे देश की अस्मिता व प्रतिष्ठा का सूचक बनाना। कितने दुःख की बात है कि हिंदी दिवस तो पसरते जाते हैं, मगर खुद हिंदी सिकुड़ती जा रही है। कहने को तो आज इस देश में हिंदी को राजभाषा का दर्जा प्राप्त है किन्तु स्थिति भिन्न है। चाहे विश्विद्यालयों या लोकसेवा आयोगों के प्रश्न-पत्र हों, या फिर सरकारी चिट्ठी-पत्री, मोटे तौर पर राज-काज की मूल प्रामाणिक भाषा अंग्रेजी ही है।

दरअसल, जिस रफ्तार से हिंदी के विकास-विस्तार हेतु सरकारी या गैर सरकारी संस्थाएं कार्यरत हैं, उससे दुगनी रफ्तार से अंग्रेजी का वर्चस्व बढ़ता जा रहा है। खास तौर पर अच्छा रोजगार दिलाने के मामले में हिंदी अभी सक्षम नहीं बन पाई है। हमारी नई पीढ़ी का अंग्रेजी की ओर प्रवृत्त होने का एक प्रमुख कारण यह भी है कि हिंदी में उच्च ज्ञान-विज्ञान को समेटने वाला साहित्य बिल्कुल भी नहीं है। अगर अनुवाद के जरिए कुछ आया भी हो तो वह एकदम बेहूदा और बोझिल है।जब तक अपनी भाषा में हम मौलिक चिंतन नहीं करेंगे और हिंदी में मौलिक पुस्तकें नहीं लिखी जाएंगी, तब तक अंग्रेजी के ही मुहताज रहेंगे। आज भी संघ लोक सेवा आयोग या फिर हिंदी क्षेत्रों के विश्वविद्यालयों के प्रश्नपत्र अंग्रेजी में बनते हैं और उनके अनुवाद हिंदी में होते हैं।पाद-टिप्पणी में साफ लिखा रहता है कि विवाद की स्थिति में अंग्रेजी पाठ को ही सही मान लिया जाए। यानी हिंदी विद्वानों का देश में टोटा पड़ गया है जो उनसे प्रश्नपत्र नहीं बनवाए जाते! विज्ञान अथवा तकनोलॉजी से जुड़े विषयों की बात तो समझ में आती है, मगर कला और मानविकी से जुड़े विषयों के प्रश्नपत्र तो मूल रूप से हिंदी में बन ही सकते हैं।कुलमिलाकर हिंदी को जब तक सीधे-सीधे 'जरूरत' से नहीं जोड़ा जाता, तब तक अंग्रेजी की तरह उसका वर्चस्व और वैभव बढ़ेगा नहीं।


Saturday, September 3, 2022

Spirited Fighter: Major Somnath Sharma


Major Somnath Sharma was posthumously awarded the first Param-Veer-Chakra on the 3rd. November 1949 for his courageous action in defending the Srinagar-Kashmir airport during the Pak-backed tribal attack. This honor was conferred upon Major Somnath Sharma for his bravery, devotion to duty, and spirited action. Had Major Somnath Sharma and his army squad not laid down their lives to protect the Srinagar airstrip at Badgam, it would not have taken long for Kashmir to go out of our hands.

The year 1947 is very important in the history of our country as well as in the history of Kashmir. Political events in the subcontinent changed rapidly. The foundation for the Indo-Pak partition had already been laid. According to the proposal of Lord Mount Batten, almost all the princely states, except two, had decided to merge with either of the dominions before or after 15 August 1947. Maharaja Hari Singh, the Dogra ruler of Jammu and Kashmir was unable to decide with whom he would like to join; India or Pakistan? As a result, the political situation in the state remained tumultuous. Given the religious, ethnic, and cultural nature of the state, the Maharaja had limited options, viz: joining hands with Pakistan, may not have been liked by the Dogra-majority population of Jammu, and joining hands with India would have, perhaps, infuriated the Muslim-majority of the Kashmir valley. The situation was dire, flexible, and above all problematic. Again, in choosing any one of the options, the Maharaja saw the decline of his own political career. So, he started thinking in favour of the third option i.e., to be ‘independent’. But by then time had slipped away and it was already too late for him to make a decision. Pakistan had started sensing that Kashmir was just sliding away from their hands.

Within a fortnight of the Indo-Pak partition, there were reports of infiltration of Pakistani armed forces in the Poonch and Sialkot areas of Jammu. On October 22, 1947, a group of tribesmen from the North-West Frontier Province under the command of the Pakistani Army crossed the border and entered Muzaffarabad and Baramulla, the north-western district of Kashmir. It was an act of war. Innocent civilians, government officials, men, women, etc. were killed and the women were raped. This barbaric army of tribesmen started moving towards the city of Srinagar, creating an orgy of terror. Only then, seeing the seriousness of the situation, Maharaja Hari Singh hurriedly signed the Instrument of Accession to join India. He sought military help to expel the tribals from Kashmir and detached himself from the active politics of Jammu and Kashmir. At the request of Maharaja Hari Singh, it was decided by the Government of India to immediately deploy a contingent of the Indian Army to Kashmir to counter the enemy attack. On 31 October, D (Delta) Company of the Kumaon Regiment reached Srinagar under the command of Major Somnath Sharma. Although Major Sharma had a plaster bandage on his left hand due to a hockey-field injury, he preferred to face the enemy with his company and was allowed to move to the front. It is rare to find an example of the bravery shown by Sharma and the courage with which he and his men fought with the enemy. A vivid account of his bravery will be given after his bio-particulars are mentioned first.

Major Somnath Sharma was born on 31st January 1923 in village Dadar, District Kangra (Himachal Pradesh). His father, Major Amarnath Sharma, was also a doctor in the army and retired as the Director-General of the Army Medical Service. Major Somnath’s early schooling continued at different places where his father was posted. But later he did his studies in Nainital. Major Somnath was interested in sports and athletics since childhood. The military culture and tradition were in his veins. Apart from his father, Major Somnath had a deep impression of his maternal uncle. His maternal uncle Lt. Kishan Dutt Vasudev was in the 4/19 Hyderabad Battalion and died fighting the Japanese in Malaya in 1942.

Major Somnath Sharma completed his schooling at Sherwood College, Nainital before joining Prince of Wales Royal Military College in Dehradun and later he studied at Sandhurst Royal Military College. He was greatly influenced by the teachings of Bhagavad Gita recited by his grandfather in his childhood which he followed well in his military life. Upon graduating from the Royal Military College on 22 February 1962, Sharma was commissioned into the 19th Hyderabad Regiment (later the 4th Battalion of the Indian Army, Kumaon Regiment) of the British Indian Army. During World War II, he participated in the war against the Japanese forces in Burma during the Arakan Campaign. At that time, he worked under the command of Colonel KS Thimayya, who later rose to the rank of general and became the Chief of Army Staff from 1957 to 1961 in the crucial years leading to the conflict with China in 1962.

As stated earlier, Major Somnath did not look back to face the enemy in Kashmir and left for Srinagar on 3 November 1947 with his company. In fact, a few days after the Indo-Pak partition, Pak-supported tribesmen had started gathering in large numbers in Badgam (Srinagar) and their aim was to capture the Badgam airfield/airstrip so that the Indian Army could not reach Srinagar-Kashmir. To pinpoint these tribals who had infiltrated into Kashmir, Kumaon Regiment was deployed there to drive them out and the command was in the hands of Major Somnath Sharma. As stated, thousands of tribesmen had reached Baramulla and mayhem was in the offing. Their evil designs were to reach Srinagar city as early as possible and capture it. When they came to know that the Indian Army is about to land at the Srinagar airport to protect Kashmir, they wanted to stop the Indian forces as early as possible. Perhaps, tribals did not know that dare-devil Major Somnath was posted with some of his troopers at a crucial post in Badgam. Their task was to prevent the tribals/attackers from advancing. Till noon there was no movement from the enemy’s side, so Somnath’s team felt that the enemy might have changed their plan. But, Unfortunately, on November 3, while patrolling, they were surrounded by the enemy around 2.30 pm. The Srinagar airport was about to be captured by the tribals. But Major Somnath Sharma and his men put up a valiant fight and stopped the enemy from advancing.

A tribal Lashkar of about 400 infiltrators surrounded the Delta Company on three sides. Major Sharma was fully aware of the importance of his position. He knew that both the Srinagar airport and the city of Srinagar would become unsafe if their troopers lost their position. In the midst of heavy fire and a ratio of ‘one to seven’, Major Sharma encouraged his men to fight with courage, and himself amidst heavy enemy fire, ran from one post to the other with a gun in one hand and attacked the enemy. During all this, the enemy was continuously firing with heavy shells. Although the enemy was large in number, still Major Somnath Sharma did not fall back but kept the enemy restricted from moving forward. He and his men fought with the enemy heroically for about 6 hours. He sent a message to his senior officers that they would fight with the enemy till the last bullet and till their last breath.

When the casualties started increasing and Major Somnath felt that his company was being adversely affected, Major Sharma himself took upon the task of distributing ammunition to his troopers and also operated the Light Machine Gun. Meanwhile, a mortar attack by the enemy caused a major explosion in which Major Sharma was badly injured. Before being martyred, he had said in his message: ‘The enemy is only 50 yards away from us. Our number is very less. We are in the grip of a terrible attack. But we have not left an inch of space yet. We will fight till our last soldier and last breath!

By the time the second battalion reached on the ground to assist, Major Somnath Sharma and the soldiers of his contingent had been martyred. Besides Sharma, a Junior Commissioned Officer and 20 other brave soldiers of D-Company also died during the battle with the enemy. Major Sharma’s body was recovered after three days. But he had killed 200 tribesmen and saved the Kashmir valley from the near-possession of the tribesmen. Sharma became a martyr, no doubt, but brought laurels to himself and his regiment. Later, Major Somnath Sharma was awarded the Param Veer Chakra posthumously for his bravery, valor and fearlessness.

Major Somnath Sharma’s body is said to have been identified from his pistol and the book of Gita found with him.

During his last conversation with his friend Major KK Tiwari before leaving for Kashmir, Major Somnath had joked: ‘he would either die or become the Army Chief.’

The letter that Major Somnath Sharma wrote to his parents during World War second in 1941, is an inspiration to our youth: “I am performing the duty before me. There must be a momentary fear of death at the front. But when I remember the words of Lord Krishna in the Gita, my fear vanishes. Lord Krishna had said that the soul is immortal, so what does it matter whether the body is there or destroyed? Father, I am not scaring you, but if I die, I assure you that I will die the death of a brave soldier. There will be no sorrow for giving my life when I die. May God keep his blessings on all of you.”

Lastly, Major Somnath was martyred along with many of his comrades, but he did not allow the tribals to move forward and capture the airstrip at Badgam and thus Kashmir was saved from going into the hands of Pakistan.

The writer is a Former Fellow, of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Rashtrapati Nivas, Shimla