Friday, July 12, 2024

Fear Time: For it is a Great Watcher.

Dr.Shiben Krishen Raina

When a person’s desires become excessively intense or he becomes overly ambitious, when he rises from the scratch and touches the skies, he may, out of arrogance, start considering himself invincible. This is the point where the pages of his downfall begin to be written. It is rightly said, "Fear time, for it is Almighty. It keeps an eye on everyone and takes note of everything. When the appropriate time comes, it takes account of all. In its realm, there might be a delay, but there is no injustice.

As a matter of fact, human nature is such that once basic needs are met, the quest for more begins. This quest can lead to growth and progress, but it can also lead to an unquenchable thirst for more and more, known as greed. When an individual becomes consumed by greed, his actions are often driven by the desire to accumulate more wealth, power, or status. This relentless pursuit can make him override the ethical and moral boundaries he might be crossing.

Ambition is often praised as a virtue that drives individuals to achieve great things. However, when ambition turns into an obsession, it can lead to one’s downfall. Overambitious individual may start to believe that he is above everyone else, and this delusion can make him reckless. He may take undue risks or make decisions that harm others, believing that he is invulnerable to consequences.

We should keep in mind that time is the great watcher. It observes everything silently, taking note of every action and every decision. Time has a way of its own to expose the truth and bring about justice. It may seem to delay, but it never denies. The reckoning may not come immediately, but it will come eventually. Those who have risen through unethical means or have let arrogance cloud their judgment will find that time has not forgotten their deeds.

When the fall comes, it is often swift and unexpected. The very foundations that seemed so solid can crumble down overnight. The support systems that seemed unshakeable can vanish. The individual who once soared high is brought back to the ground. This fall is not just a physical or financial one; it is also a fall from grace, a loss of respect and dignity and a disaster in family, as well.

The lesson here is clear: fear time, respect it, and understand its power. Recognize that no matter how high you rise; you are never above the laws of nature and the universe. Stay grounded, remain humble, and always be mindful of your actions and decisions. Time is watching, and it will hold you accountable one day.

As already said, time, the silent mediator of justice, keeps a vigilant watch over the deeds of humanity. While corruption, irregularities, and unethical activities may temporarily escape detection, they leave indelible marks on the fabric of existence. These transgressions, though hidden from immediate view, are never truly concealed from the unerring gaze of time.The perpetrators of such misdeeds might bask in a false sense of security, believing their actions to be beyond accusation or discovery. They may even revel in the fruits of their illicit labors, unaware of the unavoidable forces aligning against them. But time, a patient and relentless watcher, hits at them when suitable and appropriate time approaches. Unlike human justice systems, which can be fallible or manipulated, time's judgment is absolute and inescapable. It does not announce its arrival with fanfare or warning. There are no sirens, no alarms to herald the approach of its vengeance. Instead, it moves with the quiet inevitability of a glacier, slowly but surely eroding the foundations of ill-gotten gains and unearned privileges.

This concept is defined in various literary forms. The phrase "the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine" speaks to this inevitable process. Similarly, the "Rod of God has no sound.” (Uski Lathi mein Awaaz Nahi..) serves as a metaphor for this cosmic accountability. It reminds us that our actions have consequences, even if those consequences are not immediately apparent.

It is this understanding that gives hope to the oppressed and strikes fear into the hearts of wrongdoers. For while human systems may fail, and immediate consequences may be avoided, the ultimate judgment of time remains a reality.

Virtuous and wise individuals heed to this silent warning. They understand that each action, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, is being recorded in the annals of time. This awareness serves as a powerful deterrent against moral compromise and unethical behavior.


Former Fellow, IIAS, Shimla (H.P)
Currently in Bengaluru (Karnataka)

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